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Exit Insights: Enhancing Retention and Company Culture

Exit Surveys offer a crucial opportunity for organizations to understand the reasons behind employee departures and to gain valuable insights that can help in improving retention strategies and workplace culture. By partnering with ORC for your exit surveys, you will gain a deeper understanding of the factors influencing employee departures and receive expert guidance on using this information to foster a more engaging and satisfying workplace.


  1. Uncover Underlying Issues: Exit surveys provide direct insights into potential systemic issues within the organization that may not be evident through other means. Understanding these reasons can help you make targeted improvements to reduce future turnover.

  2. Enhance Employee Retention: By identifying trends or common themes in exit feedback, you can implement changes that enhance the working environment, directly impacting employee satisfaction and retention rates.

  3. Improve Recruitment and Onboarding: Insights from Exit Surveys can inform your recruitment strategy, helping you to align candidate expectations with organizational reality better, and refine your onboarding process to address gaps identified by departing employees.


Our step-by-step approach

1 Designing the survey

We work with you to create a comprehensive exit survey that covers key areas of interest, from job satisfaction and workplace environment to management style and personal reasons for leaving. We aim to ensure the survey is respectful, concise, and designed to elicit honest and constructive feedback.

Data collection

Exit surveys are conducted confidentially to encourage departing employees to share their reasons for leaving. We can facilitate the survey distribution in a manner that’s convenient for the employee, whether online, in person, or via a third party, to ensure maximum participation and candor.

In-depth analysis

ORC utilizes advanced analytics to interpret the data collected from exit surveys, identifying trends, patterns, and areas for improvement. Our analysis provides actionable insights, highlighting strengths to be leveraged and weaknesses to be addressed.

 4 Reporting

We compile a comprehensive report detailing the findings from the exit surveys, complete with recommendations for action. This report will guide you in making informed decisions to enhance your organizational culture and employee experience.

Follow-up actions

Beyond delivering the report, ORC can assist you in implementing the recommended changes and measuring their impact over time. We aim to ensure that the insights gained from exit surveys translate into meaningful improvements within your organization.

Contact us to learn more about our approach and how it can best help you. One of our topic experts will respond to you.

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