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We leverage employee surveys as a central tool to gather insights across key areas of our expertise. Our intervention strategy is structured around three levels of analysis: Organization, task, and employee, allowing for a comprehensive understanding and targeted solutions.


Tailored interventions

While we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to offer a full spectrum of support, we also cater to clients seeking targeted interventions. Organizations can engage ORC at any stage of their journey, whether to gain initial insights into their current state of employee engagement or to address specific challenges identified internally. Our modular approach allows clients to choose the services that best meet their needs. This flexibility ensures we can deliver meaningful impact, tailored to your organization's specific context and goals.



Employee engagement

Measure your workforce's commitment, motivation, and satisfaction. By tailoring surveys to your organization's specific contours, we provide nuanced insights that illuminate how engaged employees are with their work and the company. This enables us to offer targeted recommendations to enhance engagement, boost morale, and drive organizational performance.


Employee experience

We customize our surveys to capture the needs of each organization, enabling us to gain deep insights into employee perceptions, organizational climate, and the effectiveness of current practices. This tailored approach allows for actionable feedback that directly aligns with organizations' strategic objectives, facilitating targeted interventions for improvement.


Onboarding experience

Check the effectiveness and impact of your onboarding process. We offer a customized approach to understanding new employee perceptions, integration success, and early engagement levels. This focused examination allows us to provide actionable insights that help refine onboarding strategies, ensuring a smooth and welcoming transition for new hires.


New Work

We tailor our surveys to understand the evolving dynamics of modern workplaces, capturing insights on the effectiveness of new work initiatives and changing organizational cultures. This personalized method ensures that we provide actionable feedback tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities of each organization, supporting strategic initiatives for a future-ready workforce.


Exit insights

Get a critical look at the reasons behind employee departures. These surveys provide organizations with candid feedback on the work environment, culture, and opportunities for improvement. Uncover actionable insights that can help reduce turnover rates, enhance employee retention strategies, and ensure a positive work experience for current and future employees.


Tailored employee survyes

We don't limit our services. ORC offers the possibility for customized surveys based solely on clients' needs and requests, ensuring a comprehensive understanding of every unique workplace challenge. Clients ask, we respond.



Leadership development

Assess and enhance the effectiveness of leadership within organizations. Focusing on key competencies and behaviors driving successful leadership, this tailored 360-degree feedback provides actionable insights for individual leaders and leadership teams. It helps identify areas of strength and opportunities for growth, ensuring that leadership development aligns with the organization's strategic goals and fosters a culture of continuous improvement and inspirational leadership.

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